HMH Social Studies - program overview brochures.

HMH Social Studies - Florida-specific program brochure.

HMH Social Studies - marketing piece highlighting the digital-friendliness of the program.

HMH Social Studies - stationery pieces.
While working at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt I was involved in a number of branding campaigns for the publisher's study programs. Several of the designs that I pitched for these campaigns were chosen. Consequently, I would become the "brand expert" responsible for developing an array of marketing pieces adopting the new look. Below is some of the material I developed for HMH Social Studies.
HMH Social Studies - program overview brochures.
HMH Social Studies - Florida-specific program brochure.
HMH Social Studies - marketing piece highlighting the digital-friendliness of the program.
HMH Social Studies - stationery pieces.