Some examples of evergreen LinkedIn social assets that the client asked me to create to support monthly celebrations

LinkedIn social media templates which the marketing team could use for an assortment of communicative needs

Wall posters: the Director of Employee Experience asked me to create a line graphic that aptly depicted the slogan, "Count Me In!" I created two concepts and both were used.

Some creative pieces designed for BlueRock Therapeutics' 2024 employee conference.
Left: the initial graphic and title concept. Right: Step and repeat banner, employee notebook, lanyard and name tag.

Branded business card template and flyer template

I was tasked with giving the company's value icons a refresh. The client wanted to envision the values in a new way both visually and in practice. The old icons had too much of an academic look, they didn't represent the words well, and looked disconnected from each other. I developed graphics that felt more human, and in the looser continuous-line drawing brand style, so that they could be used as either stand-alone graphics or interlocked/interwoven.

Podcast intro. animation - mp4 file 

Podcast outro. animation - mp4 file

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